Automation of your software development and IT infrastructure

We guide you on your journey to a Software-Driven Company!

Automation has become indispensable in modern software development projects and IT infrastructures and plays a central role in increasing efficiency and effectiveness. New or changed business, performance and technology requirements lead to a much higher frequency for changes and completely different benchmarks for velocity.
Applications, application architectures and application operations must therefore be modernized on a regular basis. Only through a high degree of automation companies will be able to remain competitive in the long term by bringing software into production faster and more reliably.

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Automation of software development and IT operations (CI/CD, IaC)

One of the essential aspects of automating software development processes is CI/CD, Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD). A fully automated build and delivery pipeline is the foundation for successful agile software development, because all processes are repeatable and traceable.

The use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) also allows the deployment and operation of IT infrastructures to be designed and automated in a manner very similar to the build and delivery of software development processes. This makes all infrastructure operations reproducible and auditable.

Security, Compliance and Governance

CI/CD pipelines help companies to continuously integrate security and compliance aspects into the software development lifecycle as well. DevSecOps (Development, Security and Operations) is a suitable approach here, describing the way companies take and implement security decisions and measures as part of their Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). After all, fast feedback cycles and defined organizational responsibilities are essential for a successful SDLC.

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Best of Breed vs. Best of Suite

By far the most important function of an automation solution is scalability. The use of suitable tools is one of the decisive factors in implementing systematic support. CI/CD tools are just as extensive as the various approaches in software development. Their integration is often very complex and complicates the scalability and thus the company-wide implementation of a CI/CD solution.
Our approach is to orchestrate existing tools and add more modules to create a complete and scalable CI/CD platform.

CI/CD at Scale with the Harness CI/CD Platform

Build, Test, Deploy, and Verify On-Demand.

As a self-service platform solution for every team, the Harness CI/CD platform allows software changes of all kinds to get into the production environment securely, quickly and sustainably. In doing so, it offers the possibility to orchestrate existing CI/CD tools such as Concourse, Jenkins or Vault and to implement secure access via Role Based Access and Control (RBAC) using Single Sign-On (SSO) with LDAP connection.

The Harness CI/CD platform is cloud and container native and is available as SaaS or on-premises software.

Learn more about the Harness CI/CD platform at or get in touch with us!

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Cloud Infrastruktur

Let us find the right strategy for you! 

Not every level of automation makes sense for all projects and companies. Rather, the concrete and individual framework conditions and existing tools must be taken into account when making the decision. We therefore support our clients in the customized planning and implementation of a company-wide CI/CD (DevSecOps) strategy as the basis for a scalable and rule-compliant software development lifecycle.
Take advantage of our expertise from numerous client projects and benefit from best practices of successful companies on your individual path to a fully automated environment. We provide support in the following topics:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)
  • Platform Operations
  • Monitoring
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A selection of our projects

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»Thanks to the support we received from fme AG, we were able to build automated container platforms and establish a DevOps culture. Now we can carry out our release processes faster and more efficiently and respond to change to increased agility.«


Boris-Michael Steinke

»Die Berater der fme haben wir als sehr kompetente und erfahrene Experten kennengelernt, die sehr individuell auf unsere Bedürfnisse eingegangen sind. Wir konnten dadurch unsere Toolchain im Bereich DevOps durch sinnvolle Ergänzungen komplettieren und werden auch zukünftig gern auf die Expertise der fme AG zurückgreifen.«


Dr. Michael Saß
Bereichsleiter IT-Entwicklung der Hamburger Pensionsverwaltung eG

»Als AWS Consulting Partner hat uns die fme AG mit Ihrer Expertise im Bereich AWS Services wesentlich dabei geholfen, unsere DevOps Toolchain von unseren internen Systemen in die AWS Cloud zu migrieren und dabei die Faktoren Sicherheit und Hochverfügbarkeit zu optimieren sowie die Betriebskosten dafür signifikant zu reduzieren.«


Boris-Michael Steinke

»Im Workshop mit der fme haben wir intensiv über unser angestrebtes DevOps-Konzept in unserer Programminitiative diskutiert. Die fme hat die bisherigen Konzepte bestätigt und darüber hinaus neue Impulse geben können. Bis heute unterstützt uns die fme tatkräftig bei der Umsetzung der Konzepte.«


IT Projekt- und Produktmanager eines Automotive-Konzerns


I’m here to help
Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to request additional information? Please feel free to contact me to find out how we can assist you.

I’m looking forward to your request.

Timo Gutstein
Managing Consultant