Diagnostic Analytics

Understand connections and draw insightful conclusions

Diagnostic analytics is the process of recognizing unusual results within the available data. This includes techniques such as data discovery, drill-down, data mining, and identifying correlations. Diagnostic analytics poses the question, »Why did it happen?« and investigates connections between historical data in order to better understand past events and uncover causal relationships.

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Diagnostic Analytics - Identifying anomalies

Identifying anomalies

In large databases, the most important data sets often have special properties and therefore stand out amongst the other data. These types of data sets do not behave according to predictable patterns and are categorized as anomalies. One such example is a sudden increase in hits on a website without an obvious reason. By recognizing these types of anomalies both quickly and reliably, you can respond rapidly to changes and make informed decisions.

Finding patterns​

The explanations underlying the anomalies are frequently found outside of the anomalous data sets themselves. Additional data sets from external sources are often required to identify sound, comprehensive explanations. By conducting combined analyses with additional data sources, we are able to determine whether these anomalies follow a pattern. For example, a sudden rise in hits on your website may be traced back to a causal pattern such as increased mentions of your website on social media. This gives you the opportunity to respond, here for instance, by intensifying your social media marketing to further capitalize on the boost in engagement.
Diagnostic Analytics - A holistic view
Diagnostic Analytics - Versteckte Beziehungen

Uncovering hidden relationships

We uncover hidden relationships by observing the events that may have led to the anomalies we identified. By leveraging insights from these hidden relationships and triggers of anomalies, you can make sound, informed decisions for you company.

Implementing cutting-edge data science methodology

We help you reveal anomalies, patterns, and relationships in your data by implementing cutting-edge data science methods such as regression analysis, probability theory, and time series data analysis. 

Diagnostic Analytics_Mann mit Headset vor zwei Bildschirmen

Your Path to Advanced Analytics 

We’ll guide you through your next step. 


I’m here to help
Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to request additional information? Please feel free to contact me to find out how we can assist you.

I’m looking forward to your request.

Tobias Stein
Director Business Unit