Useful Links to Content Focusing on the Behavior While Working From Home

by Daniel Pelke |
Mar 26, 2020 |
Digital Transformation | Inside fme | New Work | Working in times of crises

Many thanks for the great feedback we received on our recent blog post  Best Practices Checklist for Large-scale Relocation of Work From the Office to Working From Home.

As a brief follow-up, we want to share some useful links to content focusing on the behavior while working from home. My colleagues from fme AG compiled the link collection to adjust to the changed working conditions.

Why? Simply because, from a communication principles perspective, there is no difference between a virtual meeting and a physical meeting. However, it is more challenging because of latency-based delays. If not all attendees of virtual meetings are equipped with webcams you cannot see each other or just partially. In this case you might miss all the non-verbal communication elements such as gestures and mimics, helping us to put the words into a context more easily.

The following list is a mix of German and English articles on this topic – pick what suits you best.

 heise online: Erfolgreich im Homeoffice arbeiten
Ein recht umfangreicher Beitrag von Innoq-Mitarbeitern auf heise online über bewährte Praktiken bei der Arbeit im Home-Office im Allgemeinen, einschließlich der Frage, wann das Mikrofon stumm geschaltet und wie eine Webcam platziert werden sollte.

 t3n – Home-Office Guide
33 Seiten mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten zu “So schaffen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber den Umzug”.

 INNOQ – Effectively Working from Home — Best practices from two years in home office
More or less English version of the post above – same authors.

Zapier – Slack etiquette
Etiquette using a messenger (here Slack) with several hundred people.

Hiver – The definitive guide to Slack etiquette
Same topic as covered by Zapier – slack etiquette.

GitLab – All-Remote Guide
On this page and subpages, GitLab shares what “all-remote” really means, how it works at GitLab, some tips and tricks for remote teams.

 INNOQ – How we do Remote Mob Programming
Remote Mob Programming for Development Teams.

 HBR – What’s Your Company’s Emergency Remote-Work Plan?
A quick overview from Harvard Business Review on how to switch to remote work.

 SDG Group – Remote Teaming Guideline
A guideline from SDG Group shared with the J&J customers – how to efficiently work from home.

 AWS – Working from home, here’s how AWS can help
AWS blog post with Summary of AWS related services useful to work remotely or support remote work and additionally useful links of how to stream to Twitch, setup Call/Contact centers or set up online learning systems.

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases
Public Remote Working Wiki on Notion.

Please bear in mind: this list is neither any kind of advertisement nor any kind of recommendation for doing business with the mentioned companies. Of course, we cannot give any guarantee for completeness or correctness – it is what it is, a list that refers to content we believe might be helpful your you too.
Stay healthy!

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