AWS Alexa and OpenText Documentum

»Alexa, please open OpenText Documentum!«

With simple voice commands like this, OpenText Documentum users can now have their documents opened, read aloud, and now even translated into other languages in real time using the Amazon Alexa digital voice assistant.

»Alexa, please open OpenText Documentum!«

This is possible thanks to a showcase, which the digitalisation experts at fme used to connect a newly written Alexa skill through serverless services such as AWS Lambda and an interface with OpenText Documentum.

The versatility of AWS & Amazon Alexa has enabled fme to develop a service that can be easily adapted to the specific tasks and expectations of user companies. The developers intentionally only used basic functions so that they could design the usage to be as simple as possible.

Service Architecture

The flexibility of Alexa and its integration with AWS Lambda and the Amazon API Gateway are the foundation for the seamless interplay between Alexa and OpenText Documentum.

As a result, the new Alexa skill can be integrated quickly and easily into an existing enterprise application such as OpenText Documentum in the backend. Furthermore, the AWS infrastructure provides the necessary security, availability, and scalability so that the OpenText Documentum system can also be run in the cloud. This includes an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for data storage and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), as well as scalable
storage capacity in the form of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Elastic Load Balancing and AWS Auto Scaling ensure an intelligent load distribution and automatic user-dependent scaling of the solution.

AWS Alexa und OpenText Documentum Showcase
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Use Cases

As an example, in labs where gloves are worn and manual operation of the mouse and keyboard is difficult, users can have Alexa read work instructions to them.

Alexa could just as easily explain individual tasks to users in OpenText Documentum. An interactive tutorial in which Alexa guides new users through the complex ECM platform is also conceivable. This would make the onboarding of new employees faster and more cost-effective.

Your Benefits

  • Accelerate the onboarding of new employees
  • Increase the productivity of your employees in laboratories or workplaces where gloves must be worn
  • Inspire your customers and employees with a new kind of interaction

For details on integrating AWS Alexa and Opentext Documentum, feel free to download the datasheet and get in touch.

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